Celebrating a Century of Service: Fundraising for the American Legion
Many of us are familiar with American Legion halls as a place where veterans gather and where weddings and other events are held. But did you know all the great work the American Legion has done and continues to do?
Founded by wartime veterans for wartime veterans and their families, the American Legion (AL) has advocated for servicemen and servicewomen, mentored youth, and made a positive difference in communities across the United States for almost a century. Formed in Paris in 1919 and chartered by Congress in September that same year, the AL got straight to work. They played a pivotal role in drafting and passing the G.I. Bill) and their communities and hasn’t stopped since.
About the American Legion
One of the more important things the AL does is help veterans, and their families receive appropriate federal benefits and medical care through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Dealing with the VA is not unlike registering a vehicle at the Department of Motor Vehicles. As anyone who has ever done anything at the DMV knows, things take forever. Additionally, processes are rarely straightforward. Inevitably, something gets missed, which windes up wasting even more time. That is unless someone who knows the DMV inside and out and wants to help is on your side.

That’s exactly what the AL does…times a million. It actively champions individual veterans as they apply for benefits with the VA. Amedeo Lauria, part of the American Legion Department of Maine – Special Projects, explained to us that applying to the VA for benefits can be confusing. As a result, veterans often wind up not receiving the financial support for medical and family needs they’ve earned. Veterans can be helped by Service Officers at their local American Legion Post, free of charge whether their service ended recently or years ago.
The AL also focuses on providing help to veterans and their families during times of need and for their futures. College scholarship opportunities, and career assistance. To achieve all of that, the AL engages in a variety of nationwide and local fundraising efforts.
The American Legion’s 100th Convention + Fundraiser
2019 marks the American Legion’s centennial, and the AL’s 100th National Convention will be held August 24-30 in Minneapolis. In celebration of its century of service, ongoing efforts, the AL is hosting lots of events.

Among other things, the American Legion Department of Maine is running a 100-year commemorative raffle. The prize? An engraved Henry “Golden Boy” .22LR rifle , which can be kitted out to be displayed or used. Even better than the prize is that all of the money raised will go to veterans through the American Legion.
The American Legion and Eventgroove
As an officer at the American Legion Department of Maine and in a previous position, Amedeo has previously used Eventgroove. So he made our day when he told us that when it came time to order raffle tickets for the centennial raffle, Eventgroove leapt to mind. He loves that though our prices are affordable, the product looks and feels high-end. Plus, as Amedeo put it when customizing his raffle ticket, what you see is what you get—what he designed online is exactly what arrived at his office in Maine.

The American Legion Department of Maine’s 100-year commemorative rifle raffle tickets sell for $10 each—the first ticket was purchased by the AL Maine’s Department Commander, Randy Kluj! The rest of the 999 tickets were divided evenly among Maine’s 172 posts, and each was responsible for selling their allotment. To help promote the raffle, the AL of Maine used Facebook, email blasts, and, of course, hit the streets to make their $10,000 goal!
We’re honored to have been the choice of the American Legion of Maine and wholeheartedly support its great work for our veterans and their families. If you’d like the chance to win an engraved Henry “Golden Boy” .22LR rifle and help the cause of our oldest veterans’ organization, call the American Legion Department of Maine at (207) 873-3229.
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